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New Expert & Topic for the 2nd meet-up in Berlin!

Due to a short-notice job-offer Gabriele Schlipf had to cancel as expert for this time BUT we already got a new one, yeah!! The topic of the evening is
‘Free Your Mind with Symbols’, led by the wonderful graphical recorder Sven Kröger.

When and where?

Wednesday April 2nd
19h00 – 21h30
Brunnenstr. 64, 13355 Berlin

Topic: Free you mind with symbols!
The wonderful graphical recorder Sven Kröger will let us in on the magic of focusing on symbols and the power of associations. As the 1st time, the expert session will be a very active mix of input and excercises and we are looking forward to package it with a ‘warm up’ in the beginning and an ample time for interactive exchange at the end.

Please register via email to,
You can also spread the event on FACEBOOK and Xing and

For more info about Sven see here:



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